
How to Have a Stress Free End of Month


There is nothing worse than having a pearler of a stress-free month without any unforeseen hiccups to then finding yourself smack bang in the middle of End of Month with no prior preparation or planning. You wouldn’t expect a pro boxer to jump in the ring without any prior training and sparring right? Be prepared or prepare to fail. Harsh, ... read more >>

How to Have a Stress Free End of Month2019-07-08T05:58:42+10:00

The Grim Reality of Cyber Theft


How to ensure you are not a victim Cyber theft. With the everyday pressures of end of month deadlines, audits and general day-to-day business, one of the last things you’d think you have to be concerned about is cyber theft. Think again. Unfortunately, cyber theft is not only here to stay but is on the rise. Amongst the hard-working, dedicated ... read more >>

The Grim Reality of Cyber Theft2019-07-08T06:10:30+10:00

Backup! Backup! Backup!


TAKING THE TIME TO BACK UP YOUR DATA Backing up your data is right up there with those mundane, everyday tasks that you procrastinate on (like regularly cleaning out your coffee machine) until either something catastrophic happens (your coffee machine dies), or hopefully you’ve read a blog like this that jogs your memory. We are hoping it’s the latter. The ... read more >>

Backup! Backup! Backup!2019-07-08T06:11:13+10:00

Ace Your Trust Account Audit


It’s audit time. You’ve just come up for air after EOFY and now the topic of audits are on everyone’s minds. There is nothing like an impending audit to raise the blood pressure levels and threaten the satisfaction of a full night’s, rested sleep. However fear not, as the reality is really not as bad as what your mind can ... read more >>

Ace Your Trust Account Audit2019-07-08T06:12:14+10:00

Surviving End of Financial Year Without Losing Your Mind


End of Financial Year You just got through the last one relatively unscathed, just a few bumps and bruises to show. You recovered… then you blinked and BOOM! It’s here again. And with it comes higher than normal stress levels, later nights, less sleep and a whole lot of thoughts about how you’ll do it better next year. Well, the ... read more >>

Surviving End of Financial Year Without Losing Your Mind2019-07-08T06:15:07+10:00

10 Things All Real Estate Owners & Trust Accountants Should Implement In The New Financial Year


Each and every year we go through the same stresses and heartache of pushing uphill through another End of Financial Year period. Why is this time of year busier than others? We are generally completing our standard end of month so trying to get as much rent in the account as possible, mix that with end of financial year processing ... read more >>

10 Things All Real Estate Owners & Trust Accountants Should Implement In The New Financial Year2019-07-08T06:47:07+10:00

Surviving EOFY for Trust Accountants & Property Managers


Getting through the standard End of Month in a busy Real Estate office can be tough on it’s own but throw the End of Financial Year into the mix and it becomes survival mode. It really doesn’t need to be that stressful if we do just three simple things: Preview Reconcile Backup End of Financial Year Statement Previews: They are ... read more >>

Surviving EOFY for Trust Accountants & Property Managers2019-07-08T06:47:47+10:00

Overdrawn Trust Accounts – Notify or Face the Fine!


The idea of an overdrawn trust account is is amusing to some agents.  It seems odd that a trust account can become overdrawn given the level of funds sitting in the trust account at any one time. How Does an Overdrawn Trust Account Happen? So just how is it possible you may ask? There are many ways that a trust ... read more >>

Overdrawn Trust Accounts – Notify or Face the Fine!2019-07-08T06:54:16+10:00

5 Reasons You Should Reconcile Your Trust Account Daily


Let’s face it - the word ‘daily reconciliation’ can be scary to most Property Managers or Trust Accountants but trust account reconciliation does not need to be the process that everyone dreads. In our Top 10 Trust Accounting Mistakes Made by Real Estate Agents, not reconciling daily was the second biggest mistake that agents made after not backing up daily. ... read more >>

5 Reasons You Should Reconcile Your Trust Account Daily2019-07-08T06:59:20+10:00

Avoiding the Tears: The Importance of Backing Up Your Trust Accounting Information with the 3-2-1 Back-up Rule


How strong is your office’s back-up system? Could you honestly say that you would be able to restore to the previous day’s information if your computer crashed? With the current focus on digital and cloud-based technology, this blog post is about the importance of backing up Trust Accounting information. We use the 3-2-1 process to ensure that you don’t experience ... read more >>

Avoiding the Tears: The Importance of Backing Up Your Trust Accounting Information with the 3-2-1 Back-up Rule2019-07-08T07:03:03+10:00
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