
How to Avoid Making Rookie Trust Accounting Errors


We understand people make mistakes, especially in business. Let's say it is all part of the learning curve. However, when we see the same mistakes occur day in, day out, then we think we need to do something about it. There is no doubt there are common errors agencies make within their trust accounts on a daily basis. Through our ... read more >>

How to Avoid Making Rookie Trust Accounting Errors2019-09-27T01:37:50+10:00

Sales Only Agencies – Reconciling and Trust Accounts to Avoid a Breach


We have a list of wonderful clients who are sales only agencies. No rent rolls. On top of that, some only have a handful of transactions a year. So with this in mind, we often get asked 2 questions: 'Do I really need trust accounting software?' 'How often do I need to reconcile?' The answer to question #1 is simple. ... read more >>

Sales Only Agencies – Reconciling and Trust Accounts to Avoid a Breach2019-08-22T03:00:17+10:00

5 Ways Cloud Technology Can Prevent Internal Fraud


Banish Internal Fraud from your Office With the advances that technology provides, unfortunately with it comes the possibility of online fraud. Online trust account fraud can occur both by someone outside of the organisation without access to the trust account, and internally. As much as we would like to think this will never happen, the reality is that it does. ... read more >>

5 Ways Cloud Technology Can Prevent Internal Fraud2019-07-11T22:09:46+10:00

The Art of Tidying Up Before End of Financial Year


How to KonMarie Your Trust Account at EOFY Are you obsessed like us and an avid follower of the #konmarie method of tidying up? If so, then you’ll have probably watched Marie Kondo’s series in full on Netflix – Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. For those of you not on the tidying movement (for the uninitiated you should really give ... read more >>

The Art of Tidying Up Before End of Financial Year2019-05-20T22:17:16+10:00

New Management Checklist for Cloud-Based Software


In our previous blog, we discussed the beauty of checklists and how they can save us from making a mountain mistake out of a molehill. The creation of a simple checklist can quickly and efficiently take your agency from one that makes countless small errors to one that runs seamlessly. So at this point you have your agency checklists in ... read more >>

New Management Checklist for Cloud-Based Software2019-04-30T03:19:48+10:00

Creating Harmony Between Bookkeeping & Property Management


Trust Accounting and Bookkeeping are very different entities. Yet despite being in different worlds, it is important that bookkeeping and trust accounting operate in succinct harmony. Some agencies may have one staff member managing the trust account and reconciling the general account. This is completely acceptable. Other agencies may keep the roles completely separate. Also acceptable. What is important is ... read more >>

Creating Harmony Between Bookkeeping & Property Management2019-03-28T06:24:44+10:00

Stay Stress-Free and Breach-Free This Holiday Season


The holiday season is so close we can feel it. We can smell the jasmine in the air, the Christmas decorations are up in the shops and Christmas party prep is well underway. So amongst all that, you may very well be planning your Christmas break from the office. As licensee, there are two requirements to ensure before you pack ... read more >>

Stay Stress-Free and Breach-Free This Holiday Season2019-03-28T06:24:46+10:00

The Difference Between Strata Trust Accounting & Real Estate Trust Accounting


The mere mention of the word ‘strata’ is enough to have some agents running for the hills. But with the increase of apartment living in Australia, agents may wish to start looking at strata as another area to expand their business. So what is different between strata trust accounting vs normal real estate trust accounting? When it boils down to ... read more >>

The Difference Between Strata Trust Accounting & Real Estate Trust Accounting2019-03-28T06:24:46+10:00

What is the Deal with Interest Bearing Deposit Accounts?


Is the concept of an interest bearing account as foreign as snapchat? Have you been requested to open an interest bearing deposit account and are breaking out in a cold sweat? Is the process as intimidating as visiting the dentist for the first time in 5 years? You are not alone (insert collective sigh of relief). So what is an Interest ... read more >>

What is the Deal with Interest Bearing Deposit Accounts?2019-03-28T06:24:46+10:00

Creating Processes for Batch File Payments


Getting to the Bottom of Batch File Payments An aba file is an Australian Bankers Association electronic payment file format. These batch files are generated from your Real Estate trust accounting software when disbursing funds from your rental trust and can be read by your bank. Batch files are typically used in Property Management for paying Landlords and Suppliers and offer great ... read more >>

Creating Processes for Batch File Payments2019-03-28T06:24:47+10:00
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